
How To Keep Going

Category: life

There are a lot of downfall in every person in the world.

Others had miscarriage, break up, while others lose a job, business failure, or as simple as a day of disappointments.

Have you ever had the feeling of “Ouch! This is totally hitting rock bottom” and you do not have any idea how to bounce back?

It is okay to feel sad, disappointed, and hurt. But you can not stay there for a long time, do not allow yourself to.

You might ask “But how? I can no longer stand up. I don’t know how to start again.”
What if I told you, you do not need to start from the beginning? That you can continue where you fell?
Sounds wrong? It does not.
Why? Because starting again might means totally forgetting those failures and you might think to forget about it all…simply because it hurts. It was a failure. Right?

Restarting is difficult when you have more invested in the result. So instead of restarting…continue instead.
Continue to travel light.
Continue to take the journey with the past leaving behind.
Continue to live NOW. Not with the past, and not worrying about the future.
Be in, NOW!

Do you know that hitting the rock bottom would be one of the best things that can happen to you?
You might think I am crazy for saying this. But the incredible growth that was given to me? I do not regret anything.

But like any good adventure, it’s only worthwhile if you come back having learned some solid lessons and with wisdom to share from having survived the fall.

Few things I have learned during my fall and how it keeps me grounded and how to continue life:
• Realization -At the bottom, you realize just how far off course you were, and that your life choices were simply not sustainable

• Seeing my dysfunctional behavior -If you never hit your lowest point, the dysfunctions continue to go unnoticed and unchecked, playing out under the denial radar and inevitably creating bigger dysfunctions and a harder fall down the track.

• Fresh perspective -The very fabric of your life is turned upside down and examined in raw detail. It’s from this point that you build again, from the ground up, with a fresh perspective based on your renewed sense of clarity.

• Trusting life…AGAIN -Ego’s death grip loosens when you come to this realization; you start to trust life and choose to live in the moment more often. As you surrender to your higher self more and more, you align with your right purpose and right life path. And it feels good.


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