
How Can You Define Success?

Category: life

Success /səkˈses/
Accomplishment of an aim or purpose
“There is a thin line between success and failure.”

But in your own words… How can you define success? And failure?
Is it when you graduated your undergraduate and went straight to your post graduate?
Is it when you get hired? Or when you start your own business?
Is it when you become a parent?
Is it when you buy your own house or car?
Is it when you travel and get to see the world?
Is it wealth?
Is it happiness?
Is it fame?

There are a lot of definition of success but let us talk about yours. How do you define your own success?
First and foremost, NEVER EVER AND I MEAN N-E-V-E-R compare your success to others.
Why? Because big things for you might not be big to others and vice versa.
Your work might be simple for you but it is too much to handle for others, and they know they cannot do it.
You find being a single parent demanding but for others, you are a hero.
See the simple explanation? Let us not make it difficult to understand, because it is really simple to explain.
But why can most of us not be happy and contented? We might (still) be looking for more because we do not appreciate what we have.
You see, the quote “appreciate what you have because those are the things others are praying and hoping for” is really true.
Being successful in life there is no right or wrong answer because we have different goals, different aims in life and different purposes.
Let us start with simple way to define your own success

1. Ask yourself: What does success looks like? –what does being successful mean to you? Does it mean making a lot of money? Having big house and fancy cars? Being promoted to your dream job title? Excellent health? None of these are wrong. While you are there, thinking…visualize your future, where you are, who are you with, and how does it feel?

2. Forget what other people might think –Want to be successful? Stop wasting your energy on what other people may think, or do or say, and start putting energy towards furthering yourself. You need every ounce of positive energy, encouragement and self-esteem working for you and you alone if you want to be successful.

3. Make a plan and be specific –have you thought about all the steps, big and small, that you will need to take to get to where you need to be? Even if you don’t have the details hammered out, having a general plan is better than having no plan at all.

4. Make it happen –While planning is an important part of success, it’s even more important to sit down and make things happen. Stop viewing life from the sidelines and get into action!

5. Go back to #1. Ask yourself again “What does success looks like?” –you might get distracted and lose sight of your goal. This is why it’s so important to regularly check in with yourself to see if you are indeed on course in your goals.


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