
personal life coach

Here’s 6 ways to feel better in uncertain times

Category: life

ONE: Set loving boundaries to protect your energy

It seems everyone is talking about coronavirus everywhere you look – the news, your friends, family, on social media, etc. Yet I notice the more I watch or read about it, the more worried I become. What you focus on, increases.

If you focus more than 51% of your mind on negative information, that’s what you are feeding in your mind. When you read and hear stories from people and from the news it is ALWAYS best to protect my energy and so should you.

One option is to just say “oh, interesting….” and change the subject entirely, like “I feel like watching a movie!” This doesn’t mean I avoid reality, but equally, that I don’t allow someone to take me into all the fearful details because once I’m here, it’s either harder or takes longer to get out.

Setting loving boundaries and choosing not to participate in a conversation will serve and protect your energy greatly, at a time when you need it most. Good-feeling emotions boost your immune system. This is not selfish or irresponsible, rather you are taking full responsibility for the one thing you can control – your emotions and response TO it.

ONE: Meditate More

Every morning I am always envisioning a white golden light being poured into my crown and throughout the entire cell of my body – from the top of my head down to my toes and expanded into the room.

Now’s not the time to skip your meditation.

Notice how you feel after doing this meditation, and always have your journal beside you and write down how you feel or what your saw in your vision.

TWO: Self Care is needed

If everyone is home (the kids / roommate / spouse + you) it doesn’t have to be a potential for disaster. It may be hard to feel good, or re-focus on what’s going well if you’re exhausted, tired and hangry.

You have more people demanding of your time/energy, and no clear boundaries between work and home. Now’s NOT the time to scrimp on your self-care (even if you’re not going out much). There’s no need to let your morning workout and routine fall to the wayside just because you’re not going into a class!

I have always been a fan of streaming and home-video workouts in my living room for their convenience. Here’s some of my favourite at-home workouts (some of these are paid, but you can find so much on YouTube for free).

THREE: Practice Abundance

Shift your attention from what’s wrong or how there’s not enough toilet paper in the stores these days, to what’s STILL thriving in your life. What are you being grateful for?

This is a lesson in practicing abundance. I’ve realised I have to have a full stock pantry for weeks, I now have more time with my daughter and family. Having more deep conversations and connecting from within myself and the people in my space.

When people around you are running around in a panic state of lack, YOU can practice abundance, and re-focus on what’s thriving.

Make your gratitude lists, go on a rampage of appreciation in your journal, and pay extra attention to the “little” things that have gone unnoticed or unappreciated. Ask yourself: what are the little things that need to be taken notice of.

You can always find a shift to abundance. For example:

  • From “there’s NO pasta or toilet paper at the store”
  • To “at least the store is still open, and I am well, and I can go. Look, they still have so much of this, and this, and this, and this.”

FOUR: Tune In

At a time when we’re being told to hunker down and isolate ourselves from others, this is a perfect opportunity to tune into your inner world more deeply. I’ve been challenging one limiting belief a day – and have seen HUGE results including:

  • More confidence
  • Synchronicities beyond my wildest imagination and things lining up perfectly
  • Divine guidance (like clear, audible direction straight from my Higher Self)
  • Manifesting like a mofo
  • Getting MORE work done because I have MORE clarity and attract solutions I need

FIVE: Read a personal development book

Pick up a good book that can help not only feed your mind with good knowledge but help you seek what is possible out there, every day I read a book or listen to audio. I have reprogrammed my mind in order to capture more new knowledge to help me grow and program with new information to help me go inwards.

Here are some books I recommend:

  • Think and Grow Rich – Napolean Hill
  • Mind Power – John Kehoe
  • Unlimited Power – Tony Robbins
  • The 5 Love Language by Gary Chapman


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