
A New Journey

Category: life

My journey started after going through some massive personal changes in my life. The thought of being a single mum and raising a little 4.5year old girl on my own was a little scary. I had to start my life all over again.  I had to say to myself, I had 16 years of marketing, sales and management experience in working for someone else, and in the past 2 years, my ex partner and I had ran 3 businesses and 2 start ups. One in which failed and left us with a big debt in our pockets. It didn’t work out.

In February I boarded a plane and flew 8,208km from Sydney to Hawaii, I knew this was the time for me to heal. I had finally come to terms I had over worked myself to the ground and never had the time to think about ME.  Driving down the boulevard with the cool breeze brush against my skin, the warmth of the sun beaming on my face, the smell of tropical trees in the air and the sound of ‘Aloha ‘ from passing strangers, how beautiful and inviting this country was.

During the trip all I did was constantly played any self-empowerment podcasts and videos. I meditated, I did my affirmations in the morning and I did my gratitude’s everyday without fail. I listened to Robbins while watching the waves sweep across the sand. He said in one sentence “Follow your passion and those words was etched in my head. After I came back, I Just knew it was time. I knew we had to make it work.

How do I know this is the time to start up a new business? It’s when the light bulb went off. However you’ll get to one business, if its not right, try something else. You just have to take action.

Phuong Phan was reborn. Born with a strong drive and FEARLESS

How do you know if starting a business is for you? There are millions of questions, but these were the ones I had asked myself which were

Are you passionate?

Are your goals challenging?

Are you offering a product or service that will make a change in society, your community or globally?

You’re certain in achieving true greatness?

You feel the need to make the change?

You’re an independent thinker?

You’re certain you can build a company?

You hate working for someone else?

You want to your own hours?

Are you creative?

Are you brave?

You want to build a legacy for your children?

The ones I couldn’t answer confidently were

Do I have a pool of talent? The answer was No, but it won’t stop me, there are millions of people and I am so positive that I will continue to grow an awesome team.

Are you a born leader? Well not really but I’m sure in my role I will be better than what I am and I will learn within my role on how to become that better version of myself

Do I understand the tax incentives? No not at all, but something to add on my list.

I don’t procrastinate, and if you’re looking at setting up, start somewhere and research your industry, meet and connect with more people around you.

So far this is the beginning and I am so excited in starting this journey.


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