
The Unknown

Category: life

In the unknown there is darkness.

In the darkness there are trials and tribulations; a lengthy path.

We are not certain where it is going.

As my ship sailed through a thick smog, I cannot see anything. There was only darkness everywhere.

I light the torch.

I finally arrived at the fork of my own road.

Which direction will I go?

I do not know.

I have two choices:

1. Sail further into the darkness or

2. I choose to sail where the light hits the horizon?

If you were the Captain, what do you choose?

“Ahh, ha” Bound to go east across the Atlantic Ocean towards the light (in a pirate voice).

Did you see the light?

But the torch that you were carrying this whole time, YOU had LIT the light.

YOU are the LIGHT and the light for so many people.

I see the light… I found it within me.

I still hold the light for my daughter.

Only to guide her, until she can take hold her own ship.

The unknown is scary, I ain’t going to lie and sugar coat it.

The unknown is a test for you to grow your courage and so much more.

The unknown is the unknown.

Let the adventure sail you across the ocean and help you find beauty, magic, and treasure.

Love and light

Phuong Phan

Captain of my ship


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