
What Do Women Think

Category: life

Finding your soulmate is not so much a task that you need to apply your energy. It’s something that happens naturally when you are both ready to be as one.

Before you can attract your soul partner, first, you need to understand what and who they are. Your soul partner will be your best friend, your lover, your sunshine, and your everything.

The next question might be difficult as these are not just a question on a form you need to fill out. What do woman think and how can you understand them.

In order to achieve a state of being whereby you can grow and evolve together as one, you need to be ready as possible.

People say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus and indeed at times, we feel that we are entirely different species not able to find a common language.

Women comes from a more emotional perspective. When women suffer, and they feel like they are not being seen, they close off to their men.

Fortunately, you can learn the right tools to be able to more fully attract your soul partner. You need to give your partner what she needs, allowing her to feel seen so that she will open again.

  1. Cut the exes already –you’ve got to cut ties with your past relationship. Because if you continue to communicate, share, find yourself sometimes thinking about them, and longing for the company, you are just keeping yourself from attracting your soul partner. There is no chance that you’ll be able to keep communicating with your exes and still meet who you are meant to be with.
  2. Lose the baggage –forgiving is more about you than it is about the person who hurt you. Did your past relationship ended because she cheated on you? Say “thank you” because it only goes to show who they are, and it is not your fault. You need to be ready for the amount of love coming your way. You will not be able to attract your soul partner if you have a raging hang up for someone who’s out of your life.
  3. Take care of you –like attracts like. Take care of you, in and out. A matured woman wants their soul partner to be living example of health, vitality and good looks. So when you do, your mood will improve, you’ll be happier, more attractive, and will radiate much more positive energy and vibrations.
  4. Grow –create opportunities for growth and reward so that in return, the universe can fill in the blanks. Believe it or not, sometimes, men ask why they haven’t after all of these years found their soul partner. Simply because, they are stuck in old cycle, they haven’t progressed anywhere in the past few years. If everything around you has been more or less the same… dude, it’s time for drastic change!
  5. Let them feel loved –learn to see through her words, actions, and moods. When women feel loved, they relax and open to us. Not feeling loved is the subtext of argument that you and your soul partner have.
  6. Let them feel safe –by creating a safe space for your soul partner, you are allowing her to grow within your relationship. She wants to trust your strength. She wants to feel like you can handle whatever she shows you, especially the more vulnerable things. She wants to feel like you will not judge her.
  7. See through her –women want to feel seen. She wants to feel you hearing her, and being aware of her emotional state. Life can seem extremely lonely at times, you have to constantly show your partner that at least one person will be witness to her and her journey and that person is you.
  8. Nurture her –women are a natural nurturer but they need someone to nurture them as well. Woman wants to see that you trust them enough to open up to them. They want to be able to help us through our sadness. Let her in. she wants to love you.
  9. Appreciation ­­–woman in all people responds primarily to praise and appreciation. Remind your soul partner that you love her. Tell her that you appreciate what she brings to your life. Show her how much she means to you. The fastest way to end a relationship is by ignoring your partner and taking her for granted.
  10. Let her feel that she can count on you –do what you say you will do, be who you say you are, and be consistent in your actions. Woman want to know that you can handle yourself when life happens. They want to know that you won’t run and hide when they get a bit too emotional. When you say you’ll do something and you don’t do it, it hurts her. She loses a piece of trust in you that has to be earned back.

Women want partners that care.

They don’t want a perfect man, they want a man who strives to be their best selves.

They don’t want someone who planned every step of his life but they want someone with goals and for him to be striving towards them.

They don’t want someone who cries every day but they want someone who has the courage to cry in front of them when he needs to.

They don’t want someone who stays in a counselor for his entire life but they want someone who has the courage to face his own emotions.

The women of the world are waiting for you. And they want you to step up just as badly as you want them to open up.


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