
Being Vulnerable

Category: life

To become vulnerable is a courageous aspect of life.

Is showing vulnerability a strength or a weakness?

Does stepping into openness about who we REALLY are result in a higher quality life?

Are we better off when we choose into revealing what’s going on inside our minds and hearts?

Many of us ponder these questions.

But what do you think?

Here’s my thoughts…

A lot of us has been struggling to whether be vulnerable or not. It is a constant battle actually.

If the situation is right…

If we feel good about ourselves…

If we are speaking with someone we feel safe with…

If we know we won’t lose part of ourselves…

Then! We might choose vulnerability.

Why is it such a debate?

Because some of us are afraid!

Afraid of being judged, laughed at or even worse…having people turn their backs on us and ran the opposite road.

Sadly, it happens!

We find ourselves in a situation where we choose to open our hearts out.

To friends we share secrets of the past.

To reveal deep feelings in a romantic relationship

We decide to open up, to have a meaningful, honest communication.

But sometimes, they are no longer in sync with us.

They choose to disagree and question your inputs and your own emotions.

And sometimes, they turn their back.

Trust me! It is OKAY!!! It hurts, but it is okay.

You have the power to be vulnerable.

It is to be courageous, for vulnerability stands defiantly in the face of fear, accepting the uncertainty of possible attack or compromise.

Remember… to refuse or deny yourself your own vulnerability is to close yourself off to life and all of its opportunities out of fear, not strength.


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