
Phuong Phan 7066

Bring Out The Artist In You

Category: life

“Do you feel you don’t have clarity in life? Do you feel not satisfied with what you do? Do you feel you’re lingering on this earth without joy and enthusiasm? Have you ever been sick of working in your day job?”

I understood that feeling, the feeling of not living with ‘life’. The passion and the enthusiasm got sucked out of me and replaced with stress, anger, depression and pain. I lived life with enthusiasm, consistency and with grit. From the outside world people saw me as confident, strong, enthusiastic, and a smile that lights up the room. Because I was so independent, I didn’t let anyone help me, the ego was too big to overtake, I didn’t let anyone see that I was upset, angry, bitter and how much pain I was living and reality is ‘I needed help’.

Welcome to my world and this is my story.

I am a loving single mum dedicated to my daughter, as she is my greatest achievement. I worked in corporate for fifteen years and ran three family businesses. I left that life because it was toxic; I had spiralled into depression, severe suicidal anxiety, a relationship that was abusively and psychologically damaging, plus a failed business that left us to learn that business is never easy. Why would I want to start again?

I had to walk away from what I saw was a toxic relationship to my health, body and spirit. I was on a mission to become better than me. I didn’t know but I started to unravel the artist in me, allowed creativity take over me, if I didn’t it was spiritual suicide.

My personal journey left me emotionally drained. I realised after my spiritual awakening and constant self-development, I realised a new version of me, the old me was not living life on purpose but I am grateful that I lived life with experiences.

Life isn’t going to get any easier if you continue to live this route and not take life into your own hands. You’re the Artist, you can paint your own picture. It’s not as easy as “you can do whatever you believe you can do.” Often life is full of hard work, tough failures, and unexplainable losses, but the worst way to respond is to give up and retreat.

The second version of you is ‘Your experiences, your story, your skills, your sphere of influence, your creativity are all unique to you.’ But that new person is living life with passion.

If you don’t know how to find that Artist in you, download my free e-book “Finding Your Flow To Uncover Your Purpose”. I believe, and I need you to believe and understand your message that needs to be delivered to the world. Warning, please be patient with yourself. Take a holiday, do something creative like singing or painting a picture, or even take 10 minutes in meditating. Dig deep into the unknown.

Life I believe is all in the Art of Flow. The answer is right in front of you all this time.

“We’ve been given a gift: the gift of creativity! And someone out there needs your gift. “


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