
personal life coach

7 Strange questions to ask yourself to find your life purpose

Category: life

So when people say, “What should I do with my life?” or “What is my life purpose?” what they’re actually asking is: “What can I do with my time that is important?”

1. Not every day can be fairy floss and rainbows. There will be at times things that are tough, and we have to suck it out. I know that may sound pessimistic and you’re probably thinking, hey Phuong what are you talking about.

Ultimately, what determines our ability to stick with something we care about is our ability to handle rough patches and ride out the rotten days.

Because if you want to be an entrepreneur but can’t handle failure.

You want to be an artist and don’t like to be rejected a hundred times.

If you want to be a Personal Trainer and don’t want to deal with complaining clients

Then the truth is, you are not going to go far.

I know I want to help my customers and be an awesome coach. But I knew to do the marketing and advertising, and all the technical stuff I had to go through. My higher purpose was more important than these rough moments. I knew it was going to be worth it in the end.

2. So let’s have a look at your 8 year-old kid, what are some things that would make that kid cry?

I didn’t like English, I don’t like writing, and when I started to write my book, I didn’t care if my gramma went out of the window but I stopped writing. Because I had to look at other things that got in my way. But I started writing posts on my Facebook. So the younger version of me would ask why did I stop?

Insecurities. I was told my writing was poor grammar, yeah it is. I knew that, but I just had to write my thoughts out.

I knew if I keep writing and reading more books, eventually, I would get better, all I wanted to do was play. I didn’t want it to become a chore. My writing on my personal Facebook posts has helped people go within and I got traction from it. People loved reading my stories and my pain and success. So I kept sharing and allowing people into my world. I was transparent. I was opening my heart to people. We are oneness, if you completely understand this then you know that we all play a part together.

3. What makes you eat chocolate all day and forget to clean up?

I could delve into personal development books, audios all day, my obsession would be to create an output of videos on personal development, because I was sharing my world on a personal level and my videos took off. Which lead me to become a radio host and speaking on a number of stages around the world.

Maybe your cravings could be about solving technical problems, create a solution of a better environment. Get lost in fantasy or teaching something.

Then you realise the time of the day just passed you by

4. Faceplant yourself in vulnerability

There are times where your parents or friends would hate or say you’re going to look like an idiot or you’re going to fail, yet deep down you are actually avoiding something you truly care about.

When I created my videos, I thought I am going to look like an idiot, people are going to judge me and I am going to fail miserably. Self-judgement is bad and not everyone around you is actually right. What is important is what you think.

Ideas come in unconventional, unique, and natural ways.

5. You’re the superhero, what are you going to do to save the world?

If you read the news, everything is so upside down, inside out, the planet is having problems climate, mental health care child trafficking, our education is screwed up, domestic violence, suicide, and depression are on the rise.

Find a problem you care about and make a difference in that area because it is about owning happiness and making a difference.

My Mission is to provide a better education for kids and adults in understanding a higher vitality, a place of frequency, and high energy. Teachings on helping people reduce stress, pain, anger, home to people who have been in domestic violent events. My pain and challenges in the past have helped me with my calling to help others achieve greater success.

6. I have given you a million dollars, what would you do?

My dream is to set up an online program and a place where people can connect. We, humans, are a walking library. We were born to connect and we were born to share and enjoy mothers’ earth gifts. We were born to share who we are and teach what we learned.

A self-actualisation school to help people master who they are. I would build this school all around and for those who can’t physically get to it, I have programs easily accessible for the people around me. I love connecting, I love seeing people heal and have breakthroughs.

A place for mind, body, and spirit to connect.

I would have a brilliant team, teachers, and mentors who have spiritual gifts to share and proven to work. I have a professional team to carry out all the start-up admin and social media work for me. I would invest in a good facility place where it is still part of nature’s wonder. All green, lush where learning indoors is incorporating the outdoor nature.

Widespread of meditation groups and teachings. Mindfulness all around. To me, that’s allowing people who need the help will receive help.

What would you do if you had a million dollars?

7. If you knew you were going to die a year from today, what would you do and how would you be remembered?

I remember thinking about death, one year I went to 4 funerals in one year.

I sat there thinking about my life and what I wanted to be remembered for. I wanted to know what would I become. I asked how can I live each day to my fullest? So many questions running through my mind.

I knew that I wanted to help shift people’s mindset, get them out of depression and suicide. I wanted to stop and prevent domestic violence. I knew I had a voice and I needed to speak up.

Then as my mission I had to go help people in that situation. I knew I had to evaluate everything that I am an what I can do and change my priorities. I knew I was important and wanted to leave a mark in this world.

In the greatness of who I am, I had to do something to help the people around me and I did and still am.


You are thrown out, homeless for a week, you have no money, no home to go to, no family, no TV.

What creativity would show up in you that you never ever thought about before? The art is listening to yourself. How would you budget? How would you learn about money? How would you raise capital? What idea would spark within you?

I went for a walk for 28 days, I did end up on an island, in Tonga in 2019 and there wasn’t much to do. All I did was listened to my inner calling.

I know I have had no money in my pocket but I knew money would come to me.

I knew there was something greater in me.

I knew I had to achieve greater heights but what was it?

So when you do make that time of doing nothing, listen to your inner voice.

Here is my video I had shared amongst my Facebook live.

Let me know if you found your purpose. Would love to hear from you.


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