
9 Ways to Push Beyond Fear

Category: life

Fear is the biggest roadblock to success. Fear is a constant companion if you’re attempting to grow and achieve. The most successful people are often those that manage fear most effectively. Those that manage fear poorly are often the least successful. Learning to push beyond fear is a valuable skill that greatly increases your odds of success.

Conquer your fear and achieve success:

1. Control your thoughts. It’s possible to think about anything you choose. The best way to stress yourself is to think about stressful things. You’re not more effective when you’re afraid. You’re less. That doesn’t mean you should bury your head in the sand, but put yourself in a frame of mind that makes you most able to deal with the situation.

2. Consider the worst. Take a moment to consider the worst likely outcome. Can you handle it? Can you manoeuvre in a way that makes the worst outcome manageable? If you know you can handle the worst, there’s no reason to be afraid.

* Be prepared for the worst and you’ll find it rarely occurs.

3. Breathe. Focus on your breath and slow your mind. Your mind will take reality and run wild with it. Focusing on your breath will calm your mind, and reality remains. When stress is at your doorstep, just stop and breathe.

4. Imagine a positive outcome. Raise the level of your expectations. Your fear will melt away if you expect something positive to happen. Create a future that you find exciting and visualise your fear away.

* Repeat this exercise several times a day. Eventually, you’ll begin to believe it.

5. Exercise. Physical exertion is an excellent way to burn away your fear. It’s hard feel afraid when you’re exhausted!

* Go for a quick run, a long walk, or lift weights. When you’re pleasantly out of breath, you’ll find your fear has lessened.

6. Get support. Talk to friend or a mentor. Be choosy! Some of your friends and family are more supportive than others. Find someone going through the same thing and console each other. Online forums can be helpful, and you can remain anonymous.

7. Understand that change and fear go hand in hand. There’s a reason to be excited when you’re afraid: It’s very possible that you’re at the beginning of a great change in your life.

* Nothing seems to change when you’re comfortable 100% of the time. Be excited that you’re doing something that creates feelings of fear. Your life may be about to change for the better.

8. Make a list of the benefits of moving forward. Create a long list of the positive results that could result from being brave. Give yourself several reasons to motivate yourself. For example, if you’re starting a new business:

* Create a greater income.
* Do something you love.
* Finally realise your dream of being an entrepreneur.
* Not to mention you’ll have the amazing experience of overcoming your fear!

9. Do it anyway. It’s not a good excuse, though it is a socially acceptable one. Be brave and resolve to do the thing you fear. It will be easier the next time. Build your tolerance to fear by facing fear daily.

Do you allow fear to determine your actions? Fear is a self-imposed roadblock on the path to progress. Developing the skill to handle fear appropriately is necessary to move forward in any aspect of life. When you feel fear, you’re on the verge of making a significant change in your life. Get excited!

Download a free self affirmation “Fear has little control over my life” document to start.


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Comments (2)

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    April 17, 2019 Reply
    Hi I love this but don't entirely agree. If you look at the evidence and consider the science. Fear is a learned response to keep us safe from harm and mitigate risks. A child is not born with fear it develops, hence those pictures online you can find on Google of toddlers playing with cobras. Fear islearnt response to a dangerous stimuli. It is there to protect you. What does become a problem is where your fear becomes restrictive for you in completing tasks or facing challenges. Then exposure therapy what you reference as facing fears can be helpful but also extremely dangerous if not managed with appropriate support as it can lead to further re-tramatization and set somone significantly back in thier recovery.
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      Phuong Phan

      April 23, 2019 Reply
      Hi Emma, Thanks for your reading this post and to your response, yes you are right in the frame work of fear in terms of giving you safety and yes alot of us develop fear over time. I have been taught that a child is born with a DNA of emotions that were carried down from generations to generations, fear as being one of them and yes our reptilian brain is there to help protect us. Fear and any emotion is a trigger on memories and the level of experience, to when, what and how it may occur. That child in the photo does not represent all kids. Fear actually may be a partly inherited trait, one programmed into our genetic makeup. As I understand it we are born with only two innate fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud sounds. Fear can be removed from our emotional blocks, to help us push above and beyond their challenges and to no longer think about fear as they are in continuous action. There is a level of risk analysis of what would possibly could happen which helps us strategies. I wrote this on the power of my experience. I have no fear in regards to chasing my dreams and taking action. Fear in terms of getting on a rollercoaster ride or seeing a snake, how does my brain react to things like that - I make a decision a choice to not be fearful, because the experience I have exposed myself have enhanced and my experience will reduce the level of pain if I have to encounter the situation again. Also the same with, I have no anger like I used to have, there is a level of an analysis, should I choose to be angry and if I do, why would I waste so much energy into focusing on carrying that negative energy with in. I also look at the positive side of what the situation is, what is the lesson here?. It's similar to how I look at fear or at any other emotion. I don't allow anything to stop me from doing what I need to do. There is an assessment of both sides.
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